Question about azur speedy handles (or any vachetta handles)


Sep 16, 2008
I did lots of research on this board and decided to get Wilson's TLC based on what I read. I put it on (2 coats) my speedy handles before I used her. I was so happy that they didn't darken once they were dry.

My question is after putting it on like this, how often should I put it on after using my bag? I don't want to ruin the handles or anything and I hadn't seen anything where people talked about reapplying it at a later time.

I figure I will use a baby wipe (based on what I read here) if I see too much dirt or whatever, but I am more concerned about preventing water spots. I live in WA and it rains a lot. (BTW, I took her out and it sprinkled that day. TLC worked great because I never saw a water spot while I was out- wasn't long of course)
I apply conditioner whenever I have used baby wipes, this would be a good rule to go by. So if you feel you need to use baby wipes to keep clean, let air dry afterwards overnight, so the leather is totally dry then apply a new coat of protectant or conditioner ( I use apple conditioner) NOTE: you want to make sure the leather has totally dried from the baby wipe before adding the conditioner because you do not want to trap any moisture under the protectant you are applying. Also the protectant will help with sprinkles and light rain, but it will not be totally effective with downpours! Also if it does get wet from rain, allow to dry and reapply the protectant afterwards. I say this because water may remove some of the protective sealant and I have always myself reapplied if ever it gets damp because of weather.