Pumpkin and Skull Keychain...

Also, does Anthony have blondish hair?
I knew an Anthony who used to work at FV and filled in sometimes at SCP but I don't know if it's the same one who works at Horton now.

I think Anthony in Horton is tall and has dark hair. I thought he moved to FV ..
I never really deal with female SA at Horton..don't like that store..only Matt and Anthony, they are very nice. Female SA there like look at you from head to toes and God knows what they are thinking..

I need to go to the store to check things out but too busy..

Rebecca , let me know if you see something new ...
I think Anthony in Horton is tall and has dark hair. I thought he moved to FV ..
I never really deal with female SA at Horton..don't like that store..only Matt and Anthony, they are very nice. Female SA there like look at you from head to toes and God knows what they are thinking..

I need to go to the store to check things out but too busy..

Rebecca , let me know if you see something new ...

Ugh I know..that's why I never go in there, besides it being a bit too far away.
But I'll be sure to let you know if I see anything interesting :yes: