Private Message box is full!?

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Jan 12, 2006
:amazed: Oh man!! I learned the hard way tonight that our PM box can indeed fill up!
Anyone that tried to PM me, thank you!!! I cleared out my box and would love to hear from you!

Lesson learned!

I tried to PM you...just to tell you, and I sooooo know you don't need to hear it, that your husband is very, very handsome! That was a very rude thing to say.
LOL! Thank you! I really appreciate that!:love:

I'm trying very hard to sit on my hands to prevent them from typing something equally disrespectfu back to that poster.:Push:
glily said:

I tried to PM you...just to tell you, and I sooooo know you don't need to hear it, that your husband is very, very handsome! That was a very rude thing to say.

Hahaha!!! He is handsome! :shame:
I'm trying very hard to sit on my hands to prevent them from typing something equally disrespectfu back to that poster.:Push:[/quote]I think you handled it with great class! It was just crazy.
I couldn't believe how the topic went from normal conversation to total insanity. I literally sat at my computer with my jaw dropped in disbelief. I wanted to say something but I figured it would be like throwing gas on a roaring fire.