Pregnant in Heels

Call me crazy but Robin's fiance looked like a woman.

I'm sitting here watching thinking the same thing... like she underwent a sex change..

But I also thought it was in very, very poor taste for the husband not to be present when asking Lord Wedgewood to be godfather... Actually, I thought the whole thing was poor taste, but if you're going to do it, do it right
I'm watching it now.

I was also wondering the same thing if Mark weren't, at some point in the past, a woman. There was just something that I couldn't quite pinpoint, but I simply wasn't buying that Mark was born Mark, you know?

And the woman that wanted the Lord as the godfather? Totally gave me the vibe that she just wants to say that a Lord is her child's godfather.
I'm actually starting to like this show. I catch the repeats.

That dude was no dude.....He may have had a sex change and hence all that comment about her taking out her eggs and getting IVF.

That's because a woman can't impregnate another woman last time I looked.
One of my new favorite shows..... I thought they were lyin' about bein' pregnant in heels.... but how you less than a week due.... and not even have the nursery up??????.... let alone take childcaring classes????????..... and she aint got no job.... so she had plenty of time to prepare.....
I laughed when the dog peed on that dress.... good for her ass..... she was too much.... and no you wasn't gainin' weight because of pregnancy.... but because you ate one cupcake too many..... and this show sounds shallow.... but I learned alot about childcare at the same time..... and I don't even want kids.....
ok, I'm going to say it, I'm totally changing my tune.

this episode made me actually like Rosie, a lot. and of course once I like her, her voice ceases to be so annoying to me :amuse:

seriously though I found her very likeable.

but what is it with the women and their gay husbands on this show?? and I'm sorry to be snarky, but there was no way that woman weighed 100lbs before getting pregnant. maybe when she was 14.

This is exactly what I thought. I thought the Wedgwood lady was a bit weird, and her day/gay husband also - sounds like she never has any time on her own, and he sounded like a gay charaticature; he belonged in The Birdcage for sure.

Robyn, 100 pounds, oh honey no. I *hate* it when people say things like this on TV, not bc I want to be 100 pounds myself, but bc it leads to a really skewed sense of what's the norm for adult women in their 30s. Apart from her gay-seeming husband, I was SMH at what an outrageous b*tch she was! I thought she was going to slug her mother in law! And then to speak to her husband the way she did...if I were her and it had simply been hormones, I'd've begged Bravo to never air that footage. It would kill me to know I'd been so hateful to my husband, much less to have the world see it. She seems like a very "special" person.