POSH is PREGS with child #4

Great news- and I'm looking forward to seeing her pregnant- I never followed her before the PF and I don't know what she looks like other than extremely slender!
How come she went out and got absolutely legless with various other celebs (Kelly Hoppen, Tana Ramsey) the other night ? I thought you weren't supposed to drink when you were preggers?
katy 1368 said:
How come she went out and got absolutely legless with various other celebs (Kelly Hoppen, Tana Ramsey) the other night ? I thought you weren't supposed to drink when you were preggers?

She probably only had one glass! at that weight that would be all she needs ;)

ahhhh, she might give birth to a baby girl that weighs the same as her :graucho:
katy 1368 said:
How come she went out and got absolutely legless with various other celebs (Kelly Hoppen, Tana Ramsey) the other night ? I thought you weren't supposed to drink when you were preggers?

I was told only American women are 'scolded' by experts when it comes to drinking. Of course no one should be drunk while pregnant. That is irresponsible. Women in other countries enjoy some wine every now and then.
There has been no evidence that foreign women give birth to more FAS babies than American women.