popincourt haut or BV?

Popincourt haut, I love the little balls on the zipper. I think the BV is too deep and you'd be digging. With the PH you wont. Plus you can move the straps on the PH.
Popincourt Haut coz it has a zipper and the cute balls plus the straps are adjustable

I think Popincourt Haut is more structured than BV. I was choosing between these two bags too and my DH said Popincourt Haut was cuter and safer since it has a zipper
The BV has a little more space, but no zippers OR balls ! Personally, I prefer the PH.. but hey, that didn't stop me from buying both - that's the best solution ! :graucho:
I personally don't think the pop haut is big enough for me. I used to carry small bags, but not any more. I would go either BV of BH!
The Popincourt haut it holds alot more than you would think. I tried it on and put all my stuff in it and it all fit. I ended up getting something in Damier that day but it is a fantastic bag.