Poll~ Epi Pont Neuf Or Epi Jasmin*PICS!

Hehehe... that's me carrying my Pont Neuf. The Pont Neuf is a very user-friendly bag, - with the two compartments outside and one inside and a zip pocket. I really like it. I have the Jasmin on my wishlist this year. I like the shape of Jasmin, but the Pont Neuf, in my opinion, is easier to use.
Thanks everybody...I am kinda torn...I really need to get off my butt and travel to LV (1.15) hours away and try them on....maybe within the next 2 weeks I can talk DH into going!:graucho: See~ my issue is I buy a lot of bags without trying them on...I know better, but that is easier said than done:nuts: ~Ghost