Pls help me to pick a bag.. Gaucho? Edith? Stam? etc..

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Feb 4, 2006
I just sold 2 chloe and I am planning to get myself a new Love..

currently, these bags all on my wishlist, pls pick one for me :nuts:

1. MJ stam ( I currently have a putty on hold at NAP, and waitlisted on Black)
2. YSL Muse in X or XL
3. Gaucho!!
4. Chloe Edith??
5. Classic BV hobo?
6. Classic Hermes Garden party?

I want to get a bag which is not too "IT" , so it can last for more than 1 season.
I think the Edith has some staying power since it is less fussy than the Paddington, but the Stam is nice if you want something less casual. And if you just sold two Chloe bags, you might not want to jump into another Chloe.
I would say BV hobo first, Stam 2nd, 3rd Edith (LOL, I have BV hobo, putty and black stams and pre-ordered Edith)...trying to have you follow my footsteps. When I bought all of these, my main target was invest in bags that are not small, classy, not-trendy, worthwhile for years to come. So, if that's what you're looking for, perhaps these are it!

I don't like the Gaucho, am not familiar with the Hermes one and Muse comes in 4th.
I would say to go for the Muse, BV, or Stam in that order. I think that these all would be classic. Gaucho is too "now", the Edith might not look so hot after a while, and the Hermes really does not impress me. If you're hunting for Hermes, why not go for the Bolide?
Hmm..tough choice tough choice..all the bags you mentioned are to die for..hihi..;)

weLL.. i think you should get the MJ stam or hermes..a hermes is worth every penny..dying for the shoulder birkin bag myself...:P i think the chloe edith looks more like a B-bag wanna be...
my order: muse, bv, stam, edith, gaucho...and i don't know what the garden party is?

that's my order if you want the bag to stick around. the gaucho probably won't be a forever kind of bag
If you sold two Chloe's you can afford two bags! :nuts: It's hard to pick just one... I like the BV first, Hermes second, Stam, Muse, Gaucho and then the Edith... In that order... Hope this helps...
Yes I sold 2 chloe, both are silveardo python. but i made a huge lost .... so I only can afford one bag now.. :sad:

I am surprised that so many ppl waitlisted on the edith.. i saw this bag at LVR 1 months ago and I was wondering should i pre-order it since it is around 800EURO ? it sounds quite reasonable for a chloe bag.. but I feel.. this bag is too similar to B-bag..

I agreed that Gaucho is more like a "IT"bag.. i hardlly see it will hit for more than 1 season .

I personally love the STAM for a long time but unable to get myself one from last season..

YSL is more like a office bag to me, will it look to formal or huge for weekend with casual wear?

Garden Party is one of the low key and affordable bag from Hermes.. Should I get the canvas or leather version?
If I were in your position, I would choose the Edith or the BV! Then again, all of your choices are really lovely. I hope we are some help to you...let us know what you decide, and good luck!