Please new car!!!!

Berlyn! You surprised us all with another SLK, but I'm so glad you went with it! I know you were really bummed when your last one was totaled. Welcome back to the SLK lovers club!
Thank you again everyone :nuts: Its so great having a new car! Except for the $400 a month parking costs in my building :roflmfao: I guess thats what I get for living in downtown. I joined 24 hour fitness yesterday as well, can't have the car looking better than me lol. It feels so good to drive home with the top down after a good workout :tup:

Couturegrl: So....when can my car buy your car a drink? :roflmfao:

Lori: Thanks! :smile: Yes, I was totally bummed when my first one bit the dust, but I'm back now! I saw my usual valet at Neiman Marcus directly after I bought the car and he was like damn you got another one, its like nothing ever happened, you took a long break and now you're back! So perfectly put. I know its just a car and I have so many other things in my life to be thankful for, but seriously she makes me feel like a new person :heart: