I've brought a bag from a seller and she agreed to refund my money back if I'm not satisfied with the item. After I've received my bag, I'm not satisfied, so I emailed her and ask for a refund. Even she said that's fine and tell me to return the bag at the next day.
After I've post the bag out, I went home and read my emails... she told me not to return it. She said she is not going to give me a refund back... I am so angry. Then I said the bag has post it back already and she ignore my emails and I've received an email from her told me to resale the bag on ebay to get my money back. WTF.... I don't even have the bag with me right now, is on its way. I was like
Ok... I've filled a dispute at paypal.
Do anyone know if I could get my money back from her even if she refuse to give me a refund? I don't have a confirmed address, because I don't locate in US... do you think if I can chargeback?
Please help
Thanks everyone~
After I've post the bag out, I went home and read my emails... she told me not to return it. She said she is not going to give me a refund back... I am so angry. Then I said the bag has post it back already and she ignore my emails and I've received an email from her told me to resale the bag on ebay to get my money back. WTF.... I don't even have the bag with me right now, is on its way. I was like
Ok... I've filled a dispute at paypal.
Do anyone know if I could get my money back from her even if she refuse to give me a refund? I don't have a confirmed address, because I don't locate in US... do you think if I can chargeback?
Please help
Thanks everyone~