Please help me find the gray spectator sabrina!!!

I know they are starting to show up a bit here and there. Patience i think is in order,but i feel you,cuz i want that Madison OP ART Sand colored bag so bad and Madison is just starting to show up, so lets keep our fingers crossed for both ok? I will say a lil prayer for your beauty to show up. I know she will. Im sure of it. Im guessing in the next 10 days. Thats my guess. Let me know if im right?
I was just at san marcos and they only had the parchment w green in sabrina and julianne. I asked the guy to check the back for gray. They were unpacking a box and there was one violet spectator julianne. bummer!!! I waited awhile for them to finish unpacking, but thats all for today. I think they may be replenished so keep checking and get yourself on the client tracker for both stores. It was packed there. On my way back now. Got a few things to reveal later. Ill be crossing my fingers for ya!!!
I just bought the large at Woodbury today, but they don't do charge sends. I would check the larger and flagship outlets. Woodbury had a lot of Sabrinas.
Im really shocked they were looking in boxes for you. Its wonderful,but usually as we all know they are not overly cooperative sometimes.

The SA was very helpful, young cute fellow!! He was just very chatty and extra nice, there were tons of SA's on the floor too, so maybe he just didn't have anything to do. I just kindly asked and he went to check and they happened to be unpacking a box. I already had one on hold for myself so I was just looking for a 2nd one for my sister. Wish they were more like him, helpful!!