Please help, anyone have their dogs react to Febreze?? Seizures, allergi reaction?


New York City
Jun 15, 2008
Hey guys!

I recently started a thread about my 4 year old Shih Tzu Maxie having a seizure out of nowhere. Well, I started to think about it, and I realized that earlier that day, I had sprayed all of my couches and chairs with Febreze. At the time, I wondered to myself if I should research Febreze to see if it was ok for pets to be around it, but I had never heard anything bad about it, and didn't give it a second thought.......well, Maxie loved the smell and I remember him rubbing himself all over the chair that I sprayed with it. I even picked him up later that day and remarked that he smelled of Febreze from laying on the chair. Later on, he came to lay on the couch next to me, and even leaned on the arm of the couch where the Febreze had been sprayed. It was a few minutes after that when the seizure came on.

So, I have done research online, and I have now read at least 20 stories of dog owners who had their dogs react very badly to Febreze. One dog owner had her dog suffer from seizures, which stopped after she stopped using the product. There were several other cases of dogs that had an allergic reaction of itching and swelling, and even death.

So, do you think the Febreze may have caused this seizure in my Maxie? Is it possible?

I would love to have an explanation for his seizure because then I can be sure to prevent any future ones you know? My biggest fear is that there is NO EXPLANATION for his seizure and then if they continue, will have to put him on meds, as mentioned on my previous thread.

Since he had this seizure literally out of nowhere, I was really wracking my brain for an explanation as to what could have caused it.

In any case, has anyone else heard about the side effects of Febreze???
Anyone have their dogs react to it?? Anyone heard any stories about it??

Here is some of the information I found online....any thoughts????

Febreze is Dangerous to Pets
This is a subject about which I have personal knowledge and experience. I cannot tolerate Febreze myself. I have multiple chemical sensitivities and I tried it first outside on a towel to see if I could stand it. When I realized how bad it was, I tried washing the towel and it took four washings to get rid of it. I think there are many chemicals which are more harmful than many people realize but if they are not supersensitive the way I am, they may not notice until it is too late. And of course, animals, especially birds and cats are even more sensitive than people to these things.
When I first received the information posted below, I sent out an email to everyone I knew online. I got back many corroborations from people who had close calls and even deadly results when using this product around their animals. Some people's animals died, while others were very sick.

Perhaps some can use this product without harm. As for myself, when it comes to keeping my animals safe - I prefer to be safe than sorry. If anyone wants to see some of the other emails I received in reply to this, please email me. DB

Text of Article Febreze is Dangerous to Pets

Friends, I have absolutely no idea if this is true. However, there are
so many products that are injurious to our pets that all synthetics are
suspect as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, if you are using, or are
considering using, this product, and you have pets, please check it out
before you proceed. If you have any information or first-hand
experience, please let me know. Thanks.

Febreze Is Dangerous to Pets!
There have been multiple instances of dogs and birds who have died or
became very ill after being exposed to Febreze, a deodorizer/air

Febreze contains zinc chloride, which is very dangerous for animals.
Please do not use Febreze anywhere near your pets! If you have used it
near your pets or on their bedding, clean the bedding/area thoroughly
to remove the Febreze, and move the animals away from the area.

Please pass this information on to other pet owners/caretakers, before
more animals are injured or killed, and find a safer method of odor

Febreze: This product is marketed as something that
removes odors without covering them up. However, there is a strong
smell to it, but worse than that, Febreze contains zinc chloride. Many
birds have already been killed after this product was used in any
proximity to them whatsoever, and some dogs have also died. Other dogs
have become ill without dying. This product is marketed as safe around
animals, and people have sprayed their dogs' bedding to remove the
doggy smell, only to discover later on that their dog became deathly
ill from it. There is one dog who lost most of her hair after being
accidentally sprayed with some Febreze, though this particular incident
also had a second factor involved (diet change).The Febreze bottle, as
of December, 1998, has a picture on the back of a dog, which leads some
people to believe it's safe to use in their bedding.

Please pass this on to your pet-loving friends. Important! Please read the following excerpts from some of the emails I have personally received about this product. Some of the writers are known to me personally and I have every reason to believe what they say. Please don't bother writing me unless you have read this entire article and these comments first. D.B.
...I have been wondering what might be causing a rash on my arms and now I wonder if it might not be exposure to that quilt as I cover with it at night?... sister's dog has been hospitalized and no one knew what caused it. He comes home
tomorrow.....and she told me she had just sprayed all her carpeting with
Febreze right before the dog got sick....

...On Febreze, my short experience with it told me to dump it and i did. The cat and dogs hate it, and we even had an experience with using Febreze in a blanket then using that blanket on one of the horses and she did not like whatever she smelled, she turned and snorted several times then crow hopped till the blanket flew off, she was removed from the stall where the blanket was and she was fine. My friend in WI used Febreze in her living room and her to prize lil dogs hated it and acted weird. That is our experience. Anone who values their/others pets, toss it out....

...I have Lupus, and animals. I'm on my third bottle. For the last six weeks, my face has been swollen and my eyes almost swollen shut. Last week, it got so bad (I went into shock), I had to be rushed to the emergency room. The doctors do not know, what is causing this. They asked me, if I had been using or exposed to something new. I didn't mention Febreze, because, I didn't know it was important. My Mastiff, went lame, after, I sprayed his mat with it. I air dryed it. He was diagonoised as having amune acquired vasculitis. The blood vessels to his rear legs closed off. This too, did not acure until after, I began using Febreze. Did Febreze cause all of this, I don't know. However, I have deep sixed it all.... we have 4family dogs (in various homes) who are sick and they all use that product.
I can't remember the offensive ingredient and my nephew wants to show it to
his veterinarian....

...A client of my husband's had a beautiful pet parrot. He was young and
healthy. Last week, the client decided to do some extra cleaning on the
parrot's cage for odor control. She used Febreze. Less than 24 hours later,
her precious pet was dead. Although she had removed him from the cage while
using the Febreze, the fumes lingered there and caused respiratory arrest
due to acute lung inflammation. She knows this is what happened because she
took the parrot's body to her veterinarian for a post mortem exam, and the
veterinarian felt that exposure to Febreze is what killed this previously
healthy bird....

...Diana thanks for this I have many friends with dogs that have developed
cancerous tumors and one just replied to me that she uses Febreeze. I have
thought of trying it but I now know better. My Tasha is too important to
me. Thanks again...
Shortly after the product came out, we were warned by our local rescue group that it was potentially dangerous to dogs and not to use it. I've never bought it, just in case something might happen.

I'm so sorry about your dog. Who knows how many products out there are toxic to dogs.
OMGosh! I use it all the time!

Of course Ebbie had seizures long before that came out, but it could be making her a matter of fact, it COULD be causing my headaches. Never thought of that!
Irishlass, from what I am reading, Febreze causes allergic reactions in dogs and cats.....and there were a few women who wrote in to say that their dogs got seizures from it, soooo I have a feeling this is what caused Max's seizure!

I mean, there is a good possibility that was the cause since Max never had a problem before, except after he got all those it seems Max has a low tolerance for chemicals and drugs.......

It's just too coincidental that he got this seizure after I sprayed all the couches and chairs with Febreze, PLUS.....I USED THE EXTRA STRENGTH ONE!! :shame::wtf:

I just had a feeling there was a CAUSE for his seizure......

After reading about Febreze, I am throwing all my bottles out, and hopefully Max won't have another seizure!!!!!!
And yes, all those chemicals are probably causing your headaches!

Throw out the Febreze, and see if your dog's seizures lessen or stop!

And you should take a benedryll and let me know if the headaches go away!
I agree ^^ throw it all out. If it's not the cause, no biggie - it woun't hurt anything, but if it IS, hopefully Maxie won't ever have another one!

I would have NEVER thought of that - congrats on the successful brainracking!
LOL Thanks!!! I actually have become obsessed with finding out what causes seizures in dogs ever since Max had his horrible I am glad I thought of the Febreze!
It actually makes sense since I sprayed everything with the extra strength version that day!

How often does your Ebbie have seizures, and do you know the cause??
Hers are caused by extreme excitement - both good (happy to see me after vacation) and bad (thunderstorms, etc.) and she had them since before that stuff was thought up. She'd almost quit having them altogether (Cesar Millan is awesome!) until the other day and I think it was the thunderstorm. Possible she had a stroke that brought on the last one. so that's not it for her.

But I had almost quit having headaches (except for tension/stress/sinus now and then) until a year or so ago. That would probably coincide with Febreze. I am going to test out the theory, though. Before - growing up - I had really bad go to the ER kind sometimes as often as twice a month and they diminished in frequency as I aged, thankfully. Now I seem to be having them a little more often again.

I know I can't eat cashews (dangit!) and now you may have found another trigger!
I just found this:

(New York)
January 11, 2002 -- Febreze has recently been granted the ASPCA Seal of Approval as a pet-related product that meets The Society's standards of quality, general safety and usefulness. Based on a thorough review by veterinary toxicologists at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, together with other outside experts, the ASPCA considers Febreze[SIZE=-1]TM[/SIZE] safe in households with dogs and cats when used as directed. Contrary to rumors being spread over the Internet, The ASPCA knows of no substantiated evidence that the use of Febreze has caused the death of any dogs or cats.
Febreze earned the ASPCA Seal of Approval after a review in which ASPCA staff evaluated data on the product and its ingredients and determined it was safe to use as directed in households with dogs and cats. The data reviewed also suggest that Febreze is safe to use as directed in households with ferrets, rabbits and rodents. Because of their unique respiratory physiology, the ASPCA recommends that birds be removed from rooms when spraying any household cleaning product until the area is fully ventilated. Due to a lack of data about Febreze's interaction with pets other than dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits and rodents, those other animals should be removed from the room when the product is being used.
^^^How many of us react badly to something that most people have no problem with? It can be the same with our pets. It's not out of the question that some animals may have a bad reaction to the chemicals.

There are some OTC medicines that I react badly to, but they are "safe". Safe for others, but not for me. I'm just saying that Febreeze may cause a problem in some animals, not necessarily all.
Well, that is good news, ChiChi! Thanks for finding that!

And yes JulieRose, it still could be what brought on Maxie's seizure, but it would be an individual reaction rather than a "harmful to pets" thing.

I burned my lungs on cleaning chemicals once and bleach makes me nuts now. I have a violent reaction to it that most people don't have.

I say if YOU have any doubt, throw it out.
I just found this:

Due to a lack of data about Febreze's interaction with pets other than dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits and rodents, those other animals should be removed from the room when the product is being used.

Well, that last statement would make me hesitant to use the product around my dogs, PLUS, how many pills, drugs, and products are FDA approved, and later found to be toxic and cause deaths? Ya know?

Also I agree that some humans have allergies that others don't, it could be the same in dogs right? Maybe some dogs are more sensitive then others...

And in my case, I sprayed a ton of the extra strength Febreze, and my dog went to sleep on that chair shortly maybe it was too much for him???

I am secretly hoping that the Febreze DID cause my Maxie's seizure, because then I will have a reason...

I guess I won't know for sure, but I still think it's a possibility....

Thanks for finding that Chi Chi!
You're welcome irishlass & Julierose.

I agree that it may be an individual thing. What is fine with one animal may not be fine with another. I have been using febreze for a couple of years now with my dogs and cats around and nothing has ever happened. Like irishlass said, if you have any doubts about using febreze, don't use it.