Pictures of my Chanel 2.55 Reissue

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Okay, you totally lied to us about not being photogenic! The bag looks amazing! And it totally suits you! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! (See guys? This is what I am talking about in the "bag vs bag on you" post...this bag is gorgeous on Cristina, whereas my Paddy just looks "blah" on me!)
Love it - what size is it again, large, medium? Do you have the measurements? Do you mind telling us how much it costs? I am eying one too, but I am petite so I may go for a small one. Thanks!
ETenebris said:
Okay, you totally lied to us about not being photogenic! The bag looks amazing! And it totally suits you! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! (See guys? This is what I am talking about in the "bag vs bag on you" post...this bag is gorgeous on Cristina, whereas my Paddy just looks "blah" on me!)

Ahem, where are the photos of you and your paddy so we can see?!

Thank you :shame: I am feeling more sure about it now that I am getting opinions from you guys. I had a little bit of sticker shock when paying for it and driving home. But, when I saw the Chanel clothes that were for sale in the store (WTF, a skirt for $1280? Jacket for $4000? Ha!), I realize the price of the bag could be worse!

At least the bathroom is clean :shame: The bf cleaned it yesterday while I was shopping :lol:

Thanks x 100000 ladies!!!! :love: :love: :love:
I agree with the above posters! The bag really really suits you, it looks great and you look great!
Congratulations, it is such a beautiful bag... and that really shows in the photos. I think the size and colour are perfect.