Picture request - bandeau or scarf (both would be nice)!

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Crazy Cat Lady
Aug 19, 2006
For those of you who own bandeaus/and or scarves, will you please post pics of yourself wearing this around your neck (different ways)?? I waitlisted for both the ecru LVOE bandeau and scarf, my bf prefers the bandeau "since it's cheaper" (lol) but I don't know if I would get tons of use out of it since I plant on actually pairing the scarf with a denim jacket...most of the time anyways. I'd love to see how a bandeau looks worn around the neck (whether as a tie-style or just wrap around normally) and also a square large scarf for comparison...

ANY pics would be appreciated--I did find a couple doing a search, but did not find what I was looking for mainly -- bandeau around neck!

BTW--are these supposed to be released in Feb or March? :confused1: My store had no info yet but I thought I read somewhere here they are supposed to come out Feb 9th??

TIA! :flowers:
I don't have any pics at the moment because I normally wear mine in my hair, but I believe the release date is early April, same time as the LVOE totes :yes:
But as a disclaimer lol, I only looked at the book quickly though so I could be wrong.

here ya go, but I usually don't wear it as a 'tie'.... I used to put them on my bags, but now I prefer to wear them in my hair and around my waist (i have pix of these if you need them too)

also I think another PFer (hlfnn ?) recently posted lotsa nice pix and she had the bandeau in a butterfly knot around her neck