Okay, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to be offensive because there's A WHOLE LOT I don't know about regarding handbags.
But I always do my research.
While I was selling my Novacheck Tote, another seller was selling the exact same tote, by the exact same dimensions in the exact same new-ish condition. However, in my auction I listed the correct retail price: $290.00. The other seller stated that his bag cost $475.00 retail.... and the final bid went up to $400! For a bag that cost $290!
Man, I wish I still had the link. It was totally ridiculous! Plus, the photo of the bag was stolen straight from a website!
Anyway, it never fails to stun me that (a) sellers are so dishonest (b) people don't research. I mean, all you have to do is go to www.neimanmarcus.com to look up the price of a Burberry tote.
Rant over. Thanks for listening. ush:
But I always do my research.
While I was selling my Novacheck Tote, another seller was selling the exact same tote, by the exact same dimensions in the exact same new-ish condition. However, in my auction I listed the correct retail price: $290.00. The other seller stated that his bag cost $475.00 retail.... and the final bid went up to $400! For a bag that cost $290!
Man, I wish I still had the link. It was totally ridiculous! Plus, the photo of the bag was stolen straight from a website!
Anyway, it never fails to stun me that (a) sellers are so dishonest (b) people don't research. I mean, all you have to do is go to www.neimanmarcus.com to look up the price of a Burberry tote.
Rant over. Thanks for listening. ush: