I bought a Fendi bag on ebay it was a pony baguette and was goregous in the pics, I paid £350 for it but thought it was worth it as the bag was a clasisic. Anyway the bag arrived and I had a sick feeling straightaway, I knew immediately that it was fake, the handles weren't even leather, I was so angry but took it to Harrods to check.
Sure enough it was fake and they sent off a form to get me a letter from Fendi head office to say that it was fake, they said this bag was never even made! I contaced the seller who outright denied it and started a dispute with Paypal, the seller kept sending emails back to paypal denying the bag was fake and questioning the Fendi staff etc and basically using any excuse to get out of it.
I contacted ebay and told them what had happened and warned them that the Marc Jacobs bag and Chanel bag she was also selling were probable fake too. EBAY DID NOTHING.
Paypal closed the case and said there was nothing they could do so I rang them and spoke to someone, I asked how on earth this could happen, that they had proof the seller had sold a fake which is illegal and they had control over this sellers account yet they refused to refund me and this seller was allowed to continue trading! It turns out paypal protection is rubbish, they only refund your money if the otem never arrives, not is you are sold a fake.
So there we are, I blew all that money on a fake bag. To rub salt into the wound I was selling a pink metallic Celine boogie bag in ebay that was taken off by ebay because they believed it to be a fake, I sent numerous emails to customer service demanding to know why on earth they thought this and just received a generic reply. And at the same time people are selling fakes all over ebay that are so obvious.
Sellers id was carabelli888
Sure enough it was fake and they sent off a form to get me a letter from Fendi head office to say that it was fake, they said this bag was never even made! I contaced the seller who outright denied it and started a dispute with Paypal, the seller kept sending emails back to paypal denying the bag was fake and questioning the Fendi staff etc and basically using any excuse to get out of it.
I contacted ebay and told them what had happened and warned them that the Marc Jacobs bag and Chanel bag she was also selling were probable fake too. EBAY DID NOTHING.
Paypal closed the case and said there was nothing they could do so I rang them and spoke to someone, I asked how on earth this could happen, that they had proof the seller had sold a fake which is illegal and they had control over this sellers account yet they refused to refund me and this seller was allowed to continue trading! It turns out paypal protection is rubbish, they only refund your money if the otem never arrives, not is you are sold a fake.
So there we are, I blew all that money on a fake bag. To rub salt into the wound I was selling a pink metallic Celine boogie bag in ebay that was taken off by ebay because they believed it to be a fake, I sent numerous emails to customer service demanding to know why on earth they thought this and just received a generic reply. And at the same time people are selling fakes all over ebay that are so obvious.
Sellers id was carabelli888