Paris Has A very Bad Day + She Is Not Above The Law

Jan 23, 2006
Paris' Bad Day :rolleyes:

It's bad enough losing your car keys, but it's worse when you lose them while parked in the red zone. Add in a very professional traffic cop and some paparazzi, and you've got the makings of a very bad day for Paris Hilton.

"She's not above the law," says the refreshingly fair traffic officer. "No one's above the law."

Sister Nicky's plea "Can I put time in her meter for her?" misses the point -- Paris parked in the red, and all the quarters and dimes in the world won't get you out of that one.

Eventually a friend comes to pick the sisters up, but not before that little envelope is tucked neatly behind her windshield wiper. Nice work, officer!

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I don't feel bad about her getting a ticket- like she cares- but I do feel really sorry for her having all those paparazzi people in her face, mocking her and making a huge deal out of a mundane thing.
i bet the parking cop was bitter because his little girl is turning into a :censor: because she wants to be like paris. lol.

sorry if my joke offends anyone, im a huge paris fan, but its sad to see little 11,15,16 year olds wanting to be like her.