Parenting getting in the way of

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Choose to be happy
Sep 19, 2006
My youngest son has a cold :yucky: , nothing horrid, but just bad enough for me to not be able to go to Valley Fair...poop!

They have both pampellone's on hold for me to try, too...:sad: !

Ok, I know I am just whining....but who better to whine to then my LV friends!
Well...I know how you feel..I hope gets well soon..don;t worry I am sure your SA will hold it for you, just make sure she/he charges your card so it's yours..
I am sure they will hold them for you until you are able to get there, hope your son feels better!!

She will, that's not a problem thankfully...but you know how it is...I had it all planned to go today (love shopping during the week)...lunch out, getting a new

Like a said, just venting...being a spoiled brat (which I fully admit to, lol).
I am laughing so hard at John's response. My kids have been sick too so I feel for you. Honestly....dose him up with motrin and a juice box and GO GIRLIE!!!
Awww that's too bad. Maybe you could convince him to go along and give him some ice cream as a reward?!?!?

What's the point of him being sick and you being purse sick??

Yes i am so not ready to be a parent... i refuse to carry of my friend's babies/kids coss i'm sure i'll drop them if i see a nice bag or shoe or dress.... :shame:
I hope your soon feels better! My problem is different today. My vacuum is keeping up dust because my DH used it on the fireplace.:cursing: No one's cleaning up today and I've got piles of Christmas tree leaves all over my living room. Ugh. I'll have to postpone my shopping.