Jun 24, 2006
Has anyone here ever heard of I just looked up my name... and it has my full name, address, phone number, relationship status, college education, and a PICTURE OF MY HOUSE!

I am DELETING myself from their site by following this link:

You guys should go and check to see what is written about YOU on there. People can even pay to get your credit score! Technology seriously freaks me out sometimes. :nono:
all it has on me is my name and address. you can obtain that through a plethora of ways. and the only way they can get your credit score is to pay money for the info. again, anyone who really wants that can get it another way. companies do it all the time. they even had a couple of details wrong anyway- I don't have kids and I'm not a Virgo! Its crap. Just a way for some website to get money out of people.
ha! I just looked my husband up and they have his details wrong too. they even have some other random guys photo up. AND they list the average income levels and home prices in the neighborhood. its all very basic and very wrong!
Ugh WTF??? Thanks for posting this! I tried to remove myself and my parents, but it told me "we must limit the number of removals per email address to PREVENT ABUSE." Ummm I'm gonna say that having a picture of my HOUSE on this website is abuse! Most of my info is wrong, but the pic of my house isn't...scary! There's even a listing for my 90 year old grandma who has never touched a computer in her life, much less been on the internet.
You guys, the pictures of your houses will still be there. Google street maps have pictures of your houses on their browser. google your adress, and you'll see a street view of your house :\
They have the right address for me but the picture of the house in of someones house on the other side of town lol. they also have all the info wrong about me and all my family members. Apparently my mom had my sister straight out of the womb and were all millionaires lol