Oh my g-d I bought 2 Neo-speedy's!


Fellow "Passionista"
Nov 20, 2005
In denim fuscia and olive green! I COULD NOT PART with them once I walked into LV. :love: :love: They are so cute, I can't wait to post pics for you guys! My labtop is being fixed, it seems my FL inventor:weird: fried so circuit city will fix it by the end of the week, hopefully!!!!! THe inside is pink suede and green for the olive one. They are REAlly cute! I will post them as SOON as my labtop is back( has software for my camera). I saw the 2 colors in the baggy GM and PM. Really cute but I chose the speedy because I love the shape!!!!:love:
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Thanks guys!....I have seriously not stopped shopping for 2 months! I have an entire new wardrobe!!! It's crrrraaazzzy:nuts: I am crazy. I am getting the Wisteria in 2 DAYS!:nuts: So need it! I have seen the most unbelievable bags, ALL the "It" bags, trunks shows....it's been awsome. I have not posted regularly in so long...so much has changed here! Congrats Megs ans Vlad!!!:love:
There are so many Birkins in Balharbour, I am constantly DROOLING. ......one day.:love: