NY Historical Society/Hermes Event...

Oh I posted about this a while back but it was buried under the shopping section and none of the mods moved it...anyway, does anyone know what's happening at the party? The scarf is the one shown on the back of the invitation, correct?

Yes, that's the scarf. The funny thing was, I asked my SA if they would have the scarves in the store that night and she seemed not to know. :Push:
ROTFL!! OK, you're on. I owe my hubby something really, really good for all he's put up with over the last few months. HEY and you get to meet him, come to think of it! He's coming to the H event.
I can't figure the multiquote thing out:

That's awsome Cyn, I can't wait to meet him! Wish I could trick hubby into coming along but I wore him out in Paris, lol.

hlfinn, I don't know. It doesn't say anywhere you can't either, maybe mr.Cynthia got his own invite?