Novelty bags


Oct 8, 2005
I don't really collect them, but I love to look at novelty bags, like this car bag branded by Far Nine. I've never heard of Far Nine, but this bag used to be available on Alfa Travelgear and a local boutique downtown has them with a label by Gigi something-or-other.

And then, there's Carrie Scott "handbags" made from old bank-tube cylinders!

Do any of you like novelty bags? If you have links, share them please!
I like when my handbag says something about me....not my sense of humor! I'm a NO to novelty bags. Tho' I think my 5-year old is adorable when she carries her pink poodle bag or her Hello Kitty bag....
You know there are some days when I feel the urge to drop my designer bags (forget Loewe or LV etc. for the day...) and wear a Hello Kitty bag. Or one of those Disney stuff toy backpacks. I usually snap out of it before leaving the door...

But there are days when I really wanna feel kiddy, cute, unique...and strap on some Hello Kitty. I get days like that sometimes...Not often though.

The clock works!
Days like that can be fun! I often have the same feeling-- usually don't get much farther than the thought. Although in summer I am known to split my hair down the center and come out with a pony tail on each side---can't remember what those are called??. Doing crazy stuff like that can definately change your mood!-- sometimes even for the better. It's nice to lighten up sometimes and not take everything so serious! I have done some novelty bags although I tend to stick with designer fabrics.
One novelty bag I'd sure love to find (they'd be vintage now) is one my mom had two different versions of back in the late 60's. They were plastic clutches that looked like a rolled up magazine. SJP had one in an episode of SATC, and it was only listed as a "vintage" bag, didn't give the brand.