Not recieving Quote Notifications

If you use the quote and/or multi-quote feature then the members who got quoted in your post should get a notification.

Then I'm not sure what you meant with your other post. Do you mean if the thread has above a certain amount of posts the quote function stops working?
Sorry, just need some clarification.
I'm having the same quote issue.

Not receiving quote notifications when I used to a few weeks ago. This is a recent issue but it's quite arduous having to sift through the many threads in which I post especially when people are asking me questions.

Any intel on how this issue can be resolved? TIA
I also only recieve QNs for roughly 3 out of 10, i often only discover that i have been quoted if i re-enter the same thread.
Me too. It seems to be hit or miss. I have gotten notification on very long threads so that isn't the problem. Other times I haven't gotten notification on threads of one or two pages.
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