No, it isn't JUST a turtle....


Truly Addicted
Dec 22, 2010
We just drove into our development and my hubby saw a turtle in the middle of the road. He had been run over and his shell was crushed both on top and the bottom. What do we do?? I said we had to take him home and get him help. I couldn't let him lay there to die slowly or get crushed yet again.

I googled on what to do with a crushed turtle. I placed him on damp papertowels inside a shoe box, so he had a quiet moist place to lay. I insisted we call the vet, a friend who was a vet asst, and the animal urgent care. Our vet was closed, the friend's husband didn't take this seriously cuz it was "just a turtle", and the animal urgent care left me on hold indefinitely.

I showed my kids the turtle's wounds (they were severe and I knew fatal) and how he needed quiet as he must have been in shock. I told him husband that no animal should be left on the street to die, no matter how small or insignificant many may think it is. Sadly, he died about two afters we brought him to our home. Luckily, his suffering was shorter than I had feared it would be.

I so wish people would realize that just because a creature is small or cannot cry or complain how much it hurts, that doesn't mean it doesn't suffer. They all deserve compassion, respect, and care.

No, it wasn't JUST a turtle. It was a creature that needed our help...even if it was just a warm safe place to die.
Your so right, more people need to be like you. I have stopped for hit deer and owls. Ive had a few little birdies like sparrows fly into the side of my car. I have turned rounds and looked for these little creatures more times then i remember just to check if they are injured.
I have to admit, i am much more animal friendly than i am people friendly.
Thank you everyone. I have rescued dogs and another turtle (who was way too close to a busy road). I feel very strongly in showing my kids and explaining to my kids that all animals are precious and important to our earth, no matter how big or small, cute or not.

Poor turtle. You're awesome for taking it in.

It's people like you who help restore my faith in humanity. You did a wonderful thing!

Your so right, more people need to be like you. I have stopped for hit deer and owls. Ive had a few little birdies like sparrows fly into the side of my car. I have turned rounds and looked for these little creatures more times then i remember just to check if they are injured.
I have to admit, i am much more animal friendly than i am people friendly.

we see this so often in NC. Bless your heart.

Thank you for caring. We need more people like you in this world.

that was very kind of you and a good lesson for your children
I rescued a turtle the other day. It was a huge snapper (I think) and I just picked it up out of the middle of the road and put in on the side in the direction it was going. There are a lot of them around right now.
Thank you! Its not just a turtle. We had turtles and tortoises for years.
They are wonderful amazing creatures. You did a great thing and you set a good example.
We cant save them all, but we do what we can :heart: