No Ali in Pond??

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Nov 7, 2006
I called the 800 number about ordering one, and they advised me that it was discontinued.

What does this mean? Does it exist anywhere? I have been dreaming (for real) of this bag....
Wow, it hadn't even come out had it? I never actually saw a pic of one. I only saw in the catalog that it said it'd come in pond. I'm glad I got my shoulder bag and didn't wait on the Ali. Wonder if one of our Coach SA's knows anything about it?
Ok ! Im Pissy !

I Was Thinking Of Buying The Ali Pond For My Sister-in-law Bday.

I Just Called Cust Serv & They Told Me Its Not In Production At All !

My Sister In Law Bday Is Feb 17 -might Have To Go With Victoria Secrect Gift Card !

Cha Cha
Well, there goes my idea of possibly getting the ali in pond instead of a shoulder bag . . . bummer

And cha cha - if there's ever an opening in your family, I make a fab in-law (aside from the married part ;)
So sad there is no Ali in pond, but yippee for me, my hubby took me to the mall tonight, and I ordered the shoulder bag in pond. They said it should be here in 3 to 5 days. I am so excited!!! Everyone's bag in pond where they have posted pictures has been so pretty!!! Glad to be joining the pond club!
Wow! I have the new catalogue and it says the pond will be available for the ali in Feb. I have no idea . . .

Sprinkles? Ms Whitney?

right now it's not available to order.

i am hoping that closer to february things will change. some shoes in the catalog isn't even popping up in inventory as well so we'll see.

there is a chance it won't appear but the catalog (*one of my customers informed me very "as a matter of fact" lol) says there is an Ali in pond and so far, no email or memo saying it's a typo.

but we'll see *crosses finger* i will be back at work friday. i'm sure sprinkles can check :smile: but if not i'll let you know what's up.