Nice scarf, but weird FB - would you bid?

As a seller, I don't need anyone email address...
so I think
too many scammers.. my email has been so abused from ebay.
I get many emails to make my thing bigger, I don't have any thing! So many from buying out of china....its not worth it.
Ask the seller why they need your email to ask a question?
Lets see what happens.
If you look at description of e-books she bought (I am assuming it is a "she" b/c of the username - Kelly Wong), they are all "get rich quick" types. Who knows what she learned from those books...
It's probably a fake Hermes. Yep, they fake them too! One of the things I learned about when I hung out at the eBay forums was they'd build up feedback by buying those e-books, then try to sell a fake scarf. I can understand ONE e-book, but five?

Nice catch by the way, so few people check feedback it seems. The whole thing stinks to a scam and I feel for the people who bid. IF they aren't shillers for the seller!