New Show on E!: Sunset Tan

I would have rolled my eyes but been okay had she just gotten the spray tan. Not recommended for little developing lungs, but primarily Aloe based. I had a real problem with the actual little one in the electric bed.
The two guys who own that shop are gross with their sun-damaged skin. And that horrible mom with the little girl. I seriously might have to draw the line here with reality TV. :tdown:
I watched about 10 minutes of this show in horror. After the mom wanted to make her child look like an advert for Tang or Fanta, I had to turn it off.

I have to find something worthy of a reality show for myself if this is the offering.
I've been watching this show on E! for the past couple of weeks. These people need to get a life. They take themselves and the "tanning business" far too seriously.
I only saw one episode when I was back home in Massachusetts for a weekend (Canada doesn't get Sunset Tan) - The one where the employee from the Midwest did a house call to the plastic surgeon's wife.

She seems very sweet, but the questions she asked! "How much was the house?" and "Did your husband do your breasts?"
Don't use being from the Midwest as an excuse! You just DON'T ask someone you don't know questions like that! (And even then . . . . )

The Olly Girls are both funny and annoying. Sometimes I had to change the channel until I was sure they stopped talking.
I know some of the customers, e.g. the dead guy, were actors(there is an article out there somewhere interviewing him). I suspect at least the Olly girls are actors.
I just have to say, that is one toxic work environment - it seems like everyone is out to get someone else. I would hate to work for a company with that kind of vicious, backstabbing behavior. It has to be incredibly bad for work morale. Then again, the entire show is probably scripted anyway.