New MC trunk to come out shortly

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Sep 6, 2006
Okay I heard from my SA that there will be a new MC trunk coming out with 33 bags inside!?!:wtf: A BAG for each color. I was having a hard time picturing this. I am assuming this must be very limited but I bet it's HOT! Does anyone have any ADDITIONAL information on this at all!?! :nuts:
WOW. I'm going to have to sell a organ on the black market to get my hands on one of these. LOL.

I immediately thought of you when she mentioned this. :nuts: Always thinking of my fellow PF'ers. OH I just think it would be like the ultimate MC collector piece. I will post a picture as soon as I get one.

If you read this John: Apparently Adam went to a meeting and got the information. I have never dealt with him before but I know you have. You might want to give him a call and get a bit of a scoop! :graucho: Or we can investigate Thursday when we meet! :nuts:
I wonder if they meant 33 different color bags for packing in the MC Trunk. That would definitely make it special. Hope you can get pics, Crystal. Or perhaps one you PFers are thinking of buying this LE?:graucho: