Ok, so I've decided I NEED a white/ivory bag and IF I decide against the Paddington (mostly because of $$) these are the top contenders. Tell me what you think:

Marc Jacobs

Rafé (this style, but in Bone. Can't get pic to upload but you can see here: http://store.nordstrom.com/product/product.asp?styleid=2884321&category=2376779~2374605~2384792&PrevStyleID=none&NextStyleID=2883792 )


Marc Jacobs

Rafé (this style, but in Bone. Can't get pic to upload but you can see here: http://store.nordstrom.com/product/product.asp?styleid=2884321&category=2376779~2374605~2384792&PrevStyleID=none&NextStyleID=2883792 )