Nearly lost wallet!!!!

Oohh I totally feel you on the getting brain looked at part. After having a baby I feel as if I'm walking around brain dead half the time, maybe it's lack of sleep but anyways I almost lost my wallet in baby gap the other day. Me and Kylie were at the register and after I paid for her clothes, I tried to put her in her stroller. She started screaming and wouldn't go in, so I had to hold her down and buckle her in while all these people were starring at me like I was a child abuser or something. So I rush outta there and when I get to my car realize my wallet wasn't in my bag. ran all the way back to gap to find it still on the counter. PHeWww. it had 600 dollars cash and several credit cards in there. You are definetly right about slowing down sometimes. :P
omg phewww that's a close call Meg! My bf left his wallet in a bus once on the way home, he drove like crazy chasing after the bus right after!! Somehow it was just sitting there by the seat (and yes we were sitting up front and the bus was not empty, I'm sure somebody saw it) and he got it back.
Megs, you should buy a lotto ticket. :smile: I'm really happy for you that you were able to get your wallet back. I know just how you felt. I had a large sum of money tucked in my pocket (I know BAD idea) to purchase my son's parrot. I had to go to the gas station to fill my car's tire with air, and it slipped out. There were 2 people behind me waiting to fill their tires, too. When I got home I realized the money was gone. I frantically (screaming the whole way) drove back to the gas station, and lo and behold the rolled up wad of cash was still there. I was so sure it wouldn't be, I cannot tell you how relieved I was. :smile:
Close call! I'm glad it worked out for you. Hopefully, you were able to relax to a nice burrito and watch the two shows (btw, what did you think? I watched both too).
^^ I know that if I did not find my wallet, I would have been frantic, not eaten, and not watched either of the shows!!!

PRoject Runway's Finale was great. I am still torn on who I would have picked for my winner. ANTM confuses me sometimes... ha, we won't even go there but I love that show nontheless!
Wow that was close - I am so glad that the only thing to come out of this was a lesson about slowing down in life.

I have PR Tivo-ed, I should be able to get to it by Sunday.:Push: