Workplace Nameless Workplace Rants

I have accomplished more in FOUR DAYS at new job than I ever did working at your place. I guess that's what happens when you keep moving the goalposts and cutting me out of communication and changing deadlines back after I was removed from the chain and trying to get away with blaming me for work done wrong even before I started. I knew I was smarter and better than that and I had coworkers looking out for me. I hope you and your dumpster fire perched on top of a tire fire surrounded by medical waste of a workplace burn.
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I realize that collections are important, but so is good case work. You say that customer service is important, but is that only face to face or on the phone? Why is providing good customer service by making sure a case is clean with a correct balance and correct accounts and addressing complaints some of these participants have been fighting to resolve for years discouraged and considered a waste of time? You know reducing the denominator is the same as increasing the numerator, right? You realize people don't want to pay when they think they don't owe the amount on the statement, right? Or when they feel like no one cares about their complaints or concerns, but only about getting a payment? You realize it's easier to convince someone they can pay off a debt comparable to the price of a car rather than the price of a house, right? You realize that good case work leads to closed cases and preventing overpayment and increasing good will with the participants and providing them with hope and helping to remove obstacles to getting them to pay and avoiding wasting time chasing people who don't owe, right? Yeah I guess you can collect by beating down doors and chasing people and squeezing people, but you can also increase collections and collection percentages by providing good customer service and clean cases. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.
(thanks for this thread)
You said you'll provide support when I have too much on my plates - this should not have happened in the first place when u execute your plans in fairness instead of protecting your own kind . So when I did, with good reason , requested for additional support, it was not made available to me because he needs to concentrate on his one task which he has time to work on in the first place as I took the load off him ?!! You said you wanted feedback to help yourself yet you just can't stop rebutting to the answers you ask for. Why do u ask, when you are not ready to hear?
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I've probably already posted this because it drives me insane: "There is something wrong. No one should be coughing all day every day non-stop for months. See a doctor! Also, you went to my manager about me working with allergies yet you cough all day long and don't cover your mouth!"
You really don’t have any idea of what you’re doing. You are the captain of a sinking ship and basically screwing everything bloody thing up. You’re a screwup without a single clue of how to do anything other than work the employees every last nerves. May you be reassigned, transferred anything that causes you to vacate the location.
You need a chill pill. Or a handful of them. I understand and commiserate with the stress you're under, but oh my god you can cut the tension with a knife in here.