My new PNY wallet

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Just one more...
Jan 3, 2006
I got my PNY wallet yesterday and just got around to taking some pics. I really love it!:love:



I just love this wallet!! So pretty!! :love: I love how it has the blue lining!!

Are they hard to find at Neimans or Saks, do you have to call the Chanel boutique to get one?
I love this wallet so much. I have been looking for one and no luck so far.

It looks like such a nice and functional wallet. I think I like the longer wallets. I seem to carry the short ones but I definitely love this one.

I got one over the weekend too!

piperlu- when i called customer service, I was told that there are still alot floating around including the bronze and dark white colored wallets. call the chanel chicago store, or tysons corner. I just walked into my chanel sf store and purchased it.