My New Cream Paddington

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Dec 2, 2005
I got home from taking a super hard exam today and my conceirge says to me "package for you." It was my new paddy from New York Chloe Boutique!!! I opened the package right there at the front desk! I am so excited not I have to see if i can attach it right so you ladies can see it! I think that I have the same color as Superbaby. This is the spring 2006 collection in cream. What do you ladies think???

O, how do I do this, I tried to attach but it says

"Your file of 678.6 KB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 195.3 KB for this filetype."

What can I do, VLad anyone?
i think there are some free downloads you can do, IrfanView is one of them. try that! it's relatively easy to use too. and you can easily resize.
wow that looks too hard, I am not good at computers, i can sign online and thats it. the only reason i can download to my computer is because all i do is put the plug and and it does the rest. i am sad i really wanted to show it to everyone.

In your digital camera, there is an option for you to choose the resolution of the pics. Choose the 640 x 480 size. Then take the pics again. I reduce the size of the pic to that size and i am able to upload my paddy pictures.

Try that.
Okay I do not see that option only symbols on the camera. Maybe if I could email someone the pic they could post it. I wanted to show everyone, after all that stress i had with the color.
madeline said:
Okay I do not see that option only symbols on the camera. Maybe if I could email someone the pic they could post it. I wanted to show everyone, after all that stress i had with the color.

HAHAHA... Email it to me. I can do it for you. :lol:

At least, i think i can. Let me try.. I'll send u PM for my email addy. :amuse: