My much needed REVEAL...

Jun 15, 2009
... after a very LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Dec - I so needed THESE!!!!!

Went to the outlet lets morning and some heffas came home with me....

This is for my daugther

got her for $34.00
This is sooooooooooooooo prudddddy - I so wanted it in the Lindsey but yall know I have way to many Lindsey's - BUT i felt bad when I got home and I put her back on hold - so I am not sure if I am keeping this or returning for Lindsey -
Nothing like a little (or a lot) retail therapy!:P
I say keep the crimson Maggie - I did the crimson Juliette:graucho:.
My favorite, though, is the siggy Isabelle - very cool bag!
Nice haul - enjoy - which one you gonna use first?