My listings removed for saying "like new"!!!

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I just got nailed for using "nearly new" today! Let's see, we have an item in excellent condition, only used a few times, you've specified when you did your listing it is used. What else do you call it? I see "used" and I won't even look at the listing.

I just reamed eBay a new one on the Live Chat, replied to their "how dare you say 'nearly new' when we allow fake items to go unchecked every day" and also sent a reply in the eBay message system. The CS rep on the live chat vowed they'd restore my listing but as I said to her, I'm not optimistic. I kept pounding on how they ignore the reports on fakes that I send regularly but the blow my listing (with ELEVEN PEOPLE WATCHING IT!) right out of the water over freaking SEMANTICS!!! :cursing:
You guys will LOVE this! I'm still FURIOUS about that "nearly new" business, so out of curiosity, I did a search typing only "nearly new" in the search window. Check this out:

I also just sent eBay the same link and told them I didn't appreciate being singled out on my listing since this phrase is CLEARLY used and used a lot!!

I'll post their reply here, if they have the kahoonas to reply that is....
Ha! That's interesting. I didn't realize that "like new" or "nearly new" was keyword spamming.:confused1:

I don't ever say "like new" I always say "pre-owned" and then go on to describe any wear to the bag/shoes/etc. if any in the description.
Can't you look up the bag by condition???? If someone wants a new bag can't they just search for NEW under condition??? eBay took down 2 of my auctions today for "like new". They might have the decency to TELL you to remove the phrase before canceling you auctions!
Sorry for you, it would fit ebay better they would cancel the counterfeit listings, I think this would benefit the buyers more than having to search through a few more listings that your wording might bring up!
The worst thing about having your listing pulled is that it's just....gone...dissapeared....never to be seen again! You don't even have the opportunity to go back and revise it. That sucks!
I had this happen last week. Never mind that I'd sold several items using that term. Thankfully someone had already offered me a BIN so I just put it back up and finished the transaction.
54370 items found for like new

Ridiculous how you were singled out among the 54370 other listings using 'like new'

Who actually searches for "like new chanel bag" ,anyway??? It is just describing the item so that the user can decide whether it is
worth their while to click on the individual listing. I'm sure most people are not trying to keyword spam when their use that phrase.
Argh, how frustrating :cursing:

But don't these "spam keyword" cancelations refer the whole listing text? I don't see how "like new" would be keyword spam? :confused1: Did you maybe use another designer name or something like that in the text?

I had a listing cancelled due to keyword spamming because I said something like "Please check out my other listings for a Vuitton wallet and Gucci sunglasses" :yucky:

Same exact thing has happened to me. But usually I get away with it! lol
I had no idea this could be problematic - I am really sorry you found out that 'nearly new' is a no-no these days.

I confess I do always say 'used' because I feel that if it is out of its packaging, without tags and I have taken it anywhere other than my bedroom, it isn't 'new' anymore. I have never seen the 'nearly new' option when listing in the UK - just new, with tags, new without tags and used.

I do put something like 'pristine', 'barely carried', 'worn once' or similar in the listing title to reflect that this is an item that could be considered 'as new' but rarley use those exact words.
Honestly I don't know why this rule should apply to LV - I don't know any smart shopper looking for Authentic LV to type "new" in their search term, since everyone knows that usually "new" means trouble
Ridiculous how you were singled out among the 54370 other listings using 'like new'

Who actually searches for "like new chanel bag" ,anyway??? It is just describing the item so that the user can decide whether it is
worth their while to click on the individual listing. I'm sure most people are not trying to keyword spam when their use that phrase.
she was most likely singled out by someone looking for a NEW Chanel, and her listing came up, so they reported her auction. Ebay doesn't patrol the listings, that's why fakes run rampant. They rely on members to report.

As for your question on "Who looks for like new chanel bag?", exactly. You can leave "like new" out of the auction title and just add "mint" or say nothing at all. People will still find your auction with good keywords.