i've always thought about a hermes bag, but always seem to end up buying chanel/lv bags. i've been buying hermes accessories (love their scarves, bracelets, and wallets), but never a bag. i find hermes bags to be very expensive (i'd love a money tree)...but with the constant price hike chanel is having, a fellow tpf-er has suggested me to look into hermes.
after some searching, i've decided that the herbag would be a great starter bag for me (considering my casual lifestyle with 2 young children and the reasonable price of the herbag). so, i've just purchased one from let-trade and it's on the way to me. i'm very excited and don't know who else to share this with....
after some searching, i've decided that the herbag would be a great starter bag for me (considering my casual lifestyle with 2 young children and the reasonable price of the herbag). so, i've just purchased one from let-trade and it's on the way to me. i'm very excited and don't know who else to share this with....