My first Chanel...I got the dome-shaped clutch!

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Aug 27, 2006
Hi everyone!

I am so excited I need to share this news with fellow Chanel lovers...I just came back from France with my hubby and when we were in Paris, we went into the Chanel store and I saw the dome-shaped clutch and instantly fell in :heart:LOVE:heart:. Hubby was so nice and bought it for me! I am in Chanel is the most romantic thing...being in Paris and getting a Chanel...

Do you guys know if this clutch has a name? All I know is that it is quite new. I wasn't looking at any Chanel purses etc as they were kinda out of my league...but now I have my first, it was paved its way for MORE!

Here's a pic of's not that good but the only one I have at the moment!


ms. fashionista