My copycat best friend...Grr...

I think there is usually a very fine line between flattery and it being annoying. I think it all depends on the type of person she is to begin with. But really she should have asked you first if you thought it would be okay for her to attempt the exact same hair as you.
I hate people like that.
Infact that happened at one of my old schools, one of the other teachers got her hair cut the same way as me, but I moved!
Not because of her, because of the whole ... lets not get into detail!
aww man I totally get where you're coming from! I work with a girl that used to copy my hair ALL THE TIME. I decided to become a red-head. She took her black hair and dyed it red. I decided to dump blonde into the top of my head and let it trickle down (sounds bad, looked really good tho). Next week, she's got this horrible blonde junk in her hair. It looked fake and really really bad. I went pink, she went to a bright red. I went black, she went dark, almost black, brown. I am currently still in my black hair color and she went back to a red with blonde streaks. Actually looks good and I'm glad she finally picked a hair color that wasn't mine!!! Scared now tho cuz I wanna go copper brown and I don't know if she'll copy or not. I can't stand this girl, she's so annoying and I don't even hang out with her. I think she's just insecure because I get so many compliments on my hair and she never recieves any really, and she wants to copy a hairstyle thats working for somoene lol.