My BF shocked me today!!


Hahaha. I kind of prefer men who don't know my designer bags. They are better left in the dark!

But cute story anyway. Now you can give him useful hints around holidays and your birthday!
Very cute story! I wish my guy would be like that with my designer things :girlsigh: !! He would just FREAK if he knew how much I really spend!! It would go a little like this: :cursing: :mad: :censor: :rant: :lecture: Hopefully, he will be in the dark forever!! :angel:
Very cute story! I wish my guy would be like that with my designer things :girlsigh: !! He would just FREAK if he knew how much I really spend!![/ quote]

Well, I'm not going to kid myself here. I'm sure he's disgusted on the inside as to how much they cost. He's not into spending money on clothes or accessories but when it comes to cars.....he wants a hummer a viper and a harley!

He knows better than to say anything for now...I work two jobs and were not married yet, so technically he cant say anything....YET :sneaky:

I still dont know how he knows about Balenciaga, I chose NOT to ask any questions to avoid getting into a big discussion about price. I just thought it was so cute that he knows they're such a hot item!:P
I'm impressed he'd even heard of them, and then was able to recognise the bag. THAT is impressive!! My guy has no clue, and clueless is how I like him in that area!! He would have no right to make comment, as they are bought with my money not his, although from experience that generally doesn't usually stop them.

You have a real cool dude...hang on to him. :yes:
LOL it's great that your SO knows Bal bags... I've been training my BF to not only know different bags, but to sniff the fakes from the real ones. My BF is now officially able to tell fake Fendi from real ones:graucho: And he impressed the socks off his brother's girlfriend when he could tell her what a Paddington was :roflmfao: