My Balenciaga and Chloe collections

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Mar 5, 2006
Hi everyone! I am new to this forum but I post often on the Fashion Spot and I just thought I would share my Balenciaga and Chloe collections with all of you. I am definitely a Balenciaga girl, I love the old leather which is why my collection does not include any of the newer bags. I also love Chloe but have decided to part with my baby paddington (it is up on ebay) so that I can purchase another b bag.

My seafoam twiggy, pistachio first and calcaire coin purse:

My newest addition, a 2004 turquoise city:

My sable paddington and my jean's moyen baby paddington:
:nuts: wow! look at your b-bags!!!! i totally love them!!! you're collection is so great - i totally love all the colours!!! :love: hehehe, me too, i want more more more b-bags!!
Wow, I really love the seafoam twiggy, it's gorgeous ! Can't wait to see your future acquisitions, what are you thinking of getting from the funds from selling the baby paddington off ?