Food Mustard, love it or hate it?

I drink it like water with a corn dog, that's a bout it..

Ohh and I learned to make this ponzu sauce for sashimi octopus: it has mustard, mayo, sugar, a bit of wasabi and sesame oil..
i used to hate it when i was younger-thought it was absolutely the most disgusting thing ever. now i love to cook with it and to mix it with other things. i would still never dip a pretzel in it or put a lot of it in a sandwich or a on a hot dog, but i can say that i do like it :flowers:.
Love it! Not too keen on the plain yellow, but I love honey mustard. That is what I use for french fries. I just bought some maple honey mustard and that is great (but very thick). I love to add mustard to sauces to give them a kick.