Mod confession room!!

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Apr 9, 2007
Hi girls - thought I'd start a Thread.:graucho:

I'd like you to use this Thread to ask your Mod any questions, or to suggest anything (only 'clean' suggestions please!). What you'd like in the Sub-Forum and what you don't like.

Please speak up - this is YOUR Sub-Forum - and whilst I'm here to Moderate - I'm also here to help - so don't complain about things to one another - come here and air your views. I don't bite:nuts:
Good idea, Lesley!
But as I think all the girls here are very bad :graucho: (me too :graucho:) only have very naughty suggestions :graucho:...
Anyway, I have a stupid one :idea:: Could be a lovely Chloe subforum in Spanish :okay:...? My English is a bit poor, you know.
Sorry, sorry. I´m only joking :supacool:...
Sorry guys!

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Thanks! :tup:
I like the forum and I like the people here. It is nice to see that it is so many easy going and fun people. I am sure we are off topic on more occations than not but that is easly what happens when people talk to eachother.
I dont actually like that there is now a topic where the reveals have to be posted. I am not sure I understand why unless it is because the forum is getting overloaded but on the other hand topics could be removed when they have not been posted in for a long time. I'll get used to it though I assume.
Usted debe persuadirla usando las palabras de tal gran belleza que ella no puede rechazar.
wow! this made me laugh! my son is meant to be learning spanish ... i caught him using the translator for his homework!
remember jenova:mi bolso es su bolso y mis gatos son sus gatos...:P
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