Mini Pochette Accessoires.....ANYONE??

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Nov 26, 2006
Can someone post a pic of what this bag will hold and also of them wearing it?? Can you wear it like a wristlet? Does the strap come completely off? I was thinking of getting it for makeup/camera to put inside my manhattan but not sure if having both this and a wapity makes sense.

I have this. Its smaller than the reg pochette. You can wear it as a wristlet and will accommodate a small camera/makeup, cc, cash, cp, and keys. Hope this helps!
I have the small one and it fits what pinkiwhatever99 said. Mine came with my bucket bag, but I'd prefer the larger pochette accessoires if given a chance to do it all over again. I bought the strap for my mini, since it came without one (the chain hooks to the inside of the petit bucket bag).