Mini Devote Info from Luna Boston

I honestly think that Rebecca's devote tote that was worn by ACL at the Beckely Event is a Mini devote. If you look at it closely it doesn't look NEARLY as big as as the regular devotes that we've seen. What do y'all think??

Hmm, I love the size of the devote in her pic...that's the size bag I want. So are we pretty sure it's actually the mini?
That's steel (according to LB's description of Steel-a pewterish charcoal metallic) The full size is studded, the mini is not.

I think it's pretty, but too much for me! I wouldnt mind it in a smaller bag.

I dig it. :yes:
Stella thanks for the comp pics but I really think your bag looks longer the other dimensions look to be the same but I am looking at the length of the handle down the bag hmmmm.
I notice also that the straps are adjustable on Stella's whereas on Rebecca's and the metallic silvery one the side straps are sewn down (see the stitching right under the round ring, where the strap attaches to the bag).