Memo to All Employees... hehe

omg i totally agree with #s: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 15 & 17.

haha.. the "try saying" versus "instead of" is EXACTLY how i feel when i DO say those things (this is before knowing this list existed! LOL!)

On many occasions, I've said, "You want me to take care of that?" and in my head I kept thinking, "why don't you know this? it's SO EASY!!".. Or when I've said, "Maybe ask _______ for a confirmation?" when what I really meant was, "Bother someone else with your petty questions and ideas!"
Erm IntlSet and Shimapuff, i got the mgmt memo but I need help.

mine's not on the list.... ARE YOU F*** KIDDING ME???:hysteric:

I've considered using:

wow that's a good one!
That's unbelievable

but none of them seem to really communicate the essence of how i feel like my original phrase does....

Shall i just keep on using the original phrase then? :shrugs:
LOL! Though sometimes I think an outburst of swearing is most appropriate. If we all cover up the fact that none of us know what the f*** we're doing then everyone loses.