Medium or Large Muse for someone who's 4"11?

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Jan 12, 2007
I went to the YSL store today and was going to purchase a black Muse in the large size but a rather aggressive sales rep kept telling me that I'm petite so I'm better off with the Medium-sized Muse. I left because I couldn't quite decide.... :confused1: What do you guys think?
I'm 5'8" and I have the Large and I've had several people comment about how BIG my bag is (as in "oh that's a cute bag, but its so big...") so if you're 4'11", I'd definitely get the medium unless you are really into big bags.
ok this is gonna be really off topic but can someone tell me what size my muse is , is it a medium or a small ?:confused1: honestly i haven't seen anything smaller but i have seen a slightly bigger one.So whatsize is mine ? Thanks in advance.:wlae:


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