MC Trouville - Black or White?

I've always like the white MC trouville, but lately the black is growing on me
I've seen and held the white one in real life at the store.

I'm 26
works for a bank from 9-5 on weekdays
dresses very casual on the weekend in t-shirt, jeans, and white converse most of the time.

here are the reasons (just my personal taste) for this dilemma:-

The White
Pro- young, refreshing, summerish, have always like the white MC, will match with my white MC PTI wallet.
con- it can look abit tacky with the wrong outfit :crybaby: , more of a summer bag.

The black
Pro- its more classic to me, not many people have the black, its ok to bring to work on casual friday without feeling like as if i'm showing off

con- depending on the colour combo, it can look fake, especially if theres alot of white, hot pink and blues :hysteric:

I'll be making my purchase in 02/2007, so theres still like 4 month, right now i'm changing my mind every 5 minutes.

Please help me decide because I really cant make up my mind:shrugs:

Thanks in advance!!:smile:

I've been having the exact same dilemma for quite a while now. The black has just recentlty started to grown on me too and when I tried it on at the store, I found that it looks more sophisticated. Have you tried them on? If not, I would recommend you to try them on. As soon as you do I think it will be easier to make your decision.
I personally have the black MC trouville and altho I love black MC, I HATE this bag. It's my least favorite bag I've ever owned. I LOVED it prior to buying. Now I hate everything about it except the front pocket thing. I hate the handles and shape. It's just a really hard bag to use if you need to carry anything else in your hands. No chance of going shopping with this bag!!

I'd take a speedy over it anyday. I have owned a black speedy and actually just re-bought black and got a white one too for summer.

As for your comment about blues making it look fake- that's actually exactly opposite. Even the best fakes rarely get the blue colors correct. So blue and dark purple make it look more authentic.