Maybe there *really* is some truth to claim that Castor Oil grows in hair thicker...?


Quality not Quantity. Less can be more!
Feb 10, 2007
Well, I've actually been looking at using more natural oils in my haircare and skincare routine, and so I started using the Oil Cleansing Method a few weeks ago. The oils I use are Castor Oil (about 80%) thinned with a litte Pure Jojoba Oil. Well, I've always had one beautiful perfect thick totally filled in eyebrow and one eyebrow that I had to work harder to shape because it was not as thick and full as the other brow. Since I've been using the oil cleansing method I noticed the problem brow with the thinner sparse hair grew in thick and full and now perfectly matches my other brow .....I noticed this but didn't make the connection with the Castor Oil.... until I did a search for coconut oil and purely by cahnce saw where a few people posted that their eyebrow ladies had told them to put Castor Oil on their brows at night to fill in sparse areas! I wasn't trying to grow in my eyebrow just cleaning my face with the Oil Cleansing Method but I think castor Oil grew in my eyebrow hair thicker and filled in my problem brow! :thinking::amazed::wondering:weird:
I've heard of this and wanted to try it but I've heard of people's hair falling out. Of course it grows back in my thicker and fuller but I wouldn't want to walk around with no brows in the mean time.
I have never, ever heard of castor oil causing hair loss. In fact it is an ingredient in a lot of commercial hair pomades and hair care items. I don't believe it's harmful at can drink castor oil in fact....says so right there on the bottle....I just didn't believe the claims that it actually had any *noticeable* effects at all on hair.
Yes, the bottle that I started out with was picked up from the pharmacy in the aisle wher they stock painkillers and laxatives and that is one of the use listed on the bottle. I also saw the same bottle stocked in with other oils in the beauty supply store. My mother used to put castor oil in my hair as a child and lots of women from the Caribbean use it as a hair/scalp oil similar to the way Indian women use coconut oil in their hair. They claim it promotes growth and thicker hair growth. Just saying that's what is claimed, not that it's true but I really believe it filled in my right brow which has always been thinner than my left brow!