MAY/JUNE new baby Bal purchases *SHOW US!!!*

From a real close up and some serious focusing on the blurry tag it could be 2006. Well, then the seller is just a liar, lol...
Either way, the suspense is killing me :girlshocked:
Well he could have referred to the year of purchase and not the one on the tag.. let’s wait. The bag looks to be in very good shape and if it turns to be rouge Vif, you’ll will have a very rich Bal red color and very rare!:tup:
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Well he could have referred to the year of purchase and not the one on the tag.. let’s wait. The bag looks to be in very good shape and if it turns to be rouge Vif, you’ll will have a very rich Bal red color and very rare!:tup:
Package is on its way to me. So, in a couple days I'll know which red color I got :P
I'm fine with either, though.
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