Mariah Carey's Closet

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ShoppeGirl said:
For all of you West Coasters out there, check ut the Barbara Walter's Special . . . she's featuring Mariah Carey's closet!! I saw previews and the closet looks fabulous!!
Everything in Mariah's closet is 2 sizes too small.
Ha, ha, yeah. She wears her clothes a wee bit too tight! I heard that she has assistants remove the size labels on her clothes and replace them with smaller sizes. What do you think . . . too far fetched to be true? Although I'm not a big fan of her music, I have to admit that she has an amazing voice. Finally, a real singer whose fame is well deserved!
ShoppeGirl said:
Ha, ha, yeah. She wears her clothes a wee bit too tight! I heard that she has assistants remove the size labels on her clothes and replace them with smaller sizes. What do you think . . . too far fetched to be true? Although I'm not a big fan of her music, I have to admit that she has an amazing voice. Finally, a real singer whose fame is well deserved!

I've heard that too !! I think it could be real.

And her closet in MTV cribs was definitely impressive, but I was not impressed by the wide selection of Hello Kitty shirts. I mean, it's not that they're not cute and the such, but she just seems like she's at an age where she should be dressing in something more appropriate. And that fits.

I love Mariah's music though ! I don't care what everyone else says, her voice is fab !
i saw the cribs episode with her...her house is amazing! and i like her music too...but i must say i'm a little bitter when it comes to her. a lot of times, when someone finds out my name is mariah they always say "carey?" ughhh. also, i was born before she became big and have nothing to do with her. although, i wish i had her closet!
I've fallen back in love with Mariah this past year...not with her new album though, but her oldies. Her voice is amazing.

I saw part of that cribs episode too. It's really weird how she can act so diva-ish but on paper, she seems so laid-back and cool. And yes, she needs better-fitting clothes. Though she does say in Vogue that her weight shifts rapidly.
LVgurl.. I spend my whole time in this thread looking at this: